Open mic conference

Time table

Open mic conference - ScalaMatsuri 2023 Time table is here.

What is an Open mic conference?

Have you ever wondered why all the sessions in Open mic conference Day are TBD? Might there be a problem? No. It's definitely intended!

An Open mic conference is a participant-driven meeting. The term "unconference" has been applied, or self-applied, to a wide range of gatherings that try to avoid hierarchical aspects of a conventional conference, such as sponsored presentations and top-down organization. Wikipedia

Let's see how ScalaMatsuri Open mic conference is organized.

ScalaMatsuri Open mic conference flow

We will prepare a GitHub repository to gather session ideas beforehand.
Please create GitHub issues to put your session ideas.

If you register this as a Github Issue, it will be linked to the #open-mic-conference-reception channel on the ScalaMatsuri 2023 Discord, so we can check the following

  • Confirmation of the ability to present
  • Adjustment of session time
  • CoC check of the slides

  • Once the timetable is decided, the Open mic conference starts.
    There must be a lot of attractive sessions.
    So that you can leave during a session and join another one.

    Call for sessions

    Scala has been used in a wide variety of fields and industries.

    What you want to learn might be what other participants have already known or experienced, and vice versa.

    Here are all Open mic conference idea samples.

  • Since I know about FOO "a bit", may I answer your questions?
  • I want to learn about BAR. Is there anyone who can talk about it?
  • Let's play around BEEF together.
  • Why not discuss BLAH-BLAR?
  • You can ask what you want to hear, or propose what you want to talk bout.

    There are various session formats. Talk styles, workshops, hands-on, or panel discussions. You can propose your favorite format.

    Also, this Open mic conference can be a wide variety of themes, such as themes that were not accepted, your hobby projects, even or your lifestyle / career as a Scala engineer.

    Sessions like anonymous questionnaires about salaries, and CTO masquerade panels were also hold in the past.

    Any trivial idea is fine, so let us see your ideas!

    Preparation for Open mic conference day

    Open mic conference gives you more opportunities to speak than conferences.

    Please use headphones and an external microphone to avoid audio feedback.


    An Open mic conference is formed by you, and all participants.

    Let's have fun together!